How to Craft a Maid of Honor Speech

Have you been asked to stand alongside a friend or family member to be their maid of honor? From being the second-hand to the bride to giving a heartfelt speech, the job comes with a number of important tasks. Your speech is a moment to celebrate your friendship with the bride, and the special bond the couple shares. Getting up in front of a crowd can be nerve-wracking, so here are some pointers to help you write and deliver the perfect speech.

How to Create a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech  

The maid of honor (MOH) speech is anywhere from 3-5 minutes long and usually occurs during the wedding reception or at the rehearsal dinner. During the first part of the speech, introduce yourself and your relationship with the bride and couple, and give thanks for the opportunity to share this special day with them and to all who came to celebrate. A crowd-pleasing story you might tell is how you met the bride, one that really exemplifies your friendship, or when you knew you were going to be friends forever. Get creative and sentimental, sprinkle in some anecdotes, and don’t be afraid to use a little humor.

The nature of this speech is not so much about your relationship with your friend, but the bond that the couple shares, you’re simply the vehicle to explain why the newlyweds are so fantastic together. Next you’ll want to address and compliment the groom, explain how they are the perfect match, and share the most romantic version of how the happy couple met. Whether you know them well or not, use this as a moment to talk about what makes them wonderful together.

To wrap things up, share how you feel about the couple finding one another. Why are they great together? How have their lives changed for the better? End with an inspirational quote, poem or song, words of advice, and well wishes for their future together. After your closing remarks is the perfect time to raise a glass and toast to the beautiful journey that lies ahead. Invite everyone to raise their glass and cheer on the happy couple. 

The Art of Toasting, How to Deliver a Maid of Honor Speech 

Now that you’ve penned the perfect speech, it’s time to prepare yourself to deliver it. Have family and friends review your toast and then practice it. The more you recite your speech out loud, the more comfortable you’ll become with it. Practice your speech twice a day, starting at least a week before the big day, rehearse in front of friends, record your delivery or practice in front of a mirror. If you experience public-speaking jitters, it’s helpful to create a cue card with the bullet points from your speech, which will keep you on point even if you’re nervous. 

Whatever you’ve prepared ahead of time, remember that the most meaningful words will come from your heart, so tap into that feeling and emotion. When it comes time to stand up and speak, take some deep breaths, have a relaxed stance and try to smile, which will help you feel more at ease. If it’s hard to make eye contact, try looking just above everyone’s head, which can minimize your anxiety while allowing guests to think you’re looking right at them.

Most people tend to talk faster when they’re nervous, so try to speak slowly and clearly and remember to pause and breathe. While it may be tempting to have a few drinks beforehand, stay sober, you may think it’ll make you feel at ease, but being under the influence will likely make it more difficult to deliver the eloquent speech you so thoughtfully prepared. Don’t be surprised if you get emotional giving your speech, you’re celebrating someone deeply important to you, so enjoy all the feels of this special moment. 

Historic Acres offers a beautiful landscape for weddings of all sizes. If you or someone you know is getting married, contact our team to learn more about our lovely indoor and outdoor event venue spaces. 


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